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The Development of Green Finance Based on the Digital Economy Exploration

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DOI: 10.23977/ferm.2023.061111 | Downloads: 51 | Views: 944


Lili Wang 1, Yuwei Yan 1


1 School of Business, Taishan University, Taian, Shandong, China

Corresponding Author

Lili Wang


The rapid emergence of the digital economy has brought about significant implications for the development of green finance. This paper aims to investigate the synergistic potential between the digital economy and green finance, and its impact on sustainable development. By leveraging digital technologies, green finance has witnessed improvements in efficiency, transparency, and the introduction of innovative products and services. Furthermore, the digital economy has played a pivotal role in promoting inclusivity in green finance, allowing wider participation in green investments and consumption, thereby contributing to shared prosperity. The government's involvement is crucial in facilitating the integration of the digital economy and green finance. It requires the formulation of relevant regulations, policy support, and incentive measures to guide and monitor their development. Additionally, the establishment of specialized funds, supportive financial services, and the enhancement of talent cultivation further foster collaborative innovation between the digital economy and green finance. This research sheds light on the potential of the digital economy in driving sustainable development and economic growth through the development of green finance, highlighting the significance of policy measures, cooperation, and interdisciplinary exchanges in this domain.


Digital economy, Green finance, Financial institutions, Innovative tools


Lili Wang, Yuwei Yan, The Development of Green Finance Based on the Digital Economy Exploration. Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2023) Vol. 6: 75-81. DOI:


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