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The Impact of Debt Disposal on Risk Prevention of Financing Companies: the Basis of Market-oriented Transformation Development

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DOI: 10.23977/ferm.2023.061118 | Downloads: 22 | Views: 702


Gao Yang 1


1 Graduate School, Jose Rizal University, Mandaluyong District, Manila, 0900, Philippines

Corresponding Author

Gao Yang


In the modern business management of investment and financing companies, how to resolve corporate debt and prevent corporate risks are both very important aspects of corporate development. If the debt is not resolved in time or in improper ways, it may cause structural risk, scale risk, credit risk and financial risk, which will seriously affect the company's operation, affect the company's safety, and even cause the increase of social instability factors. Therefore, we study the impact of debt resolution on risk prevention of investment and financing companies, which plays a positive role in reducing financial risks, improving credit rating, optimizing capital structure and enhancing market reputation of the company, and also lays a foundation and provides reference for the transformation and development of investment and financing companies. Therefore, this topic has certain practical significance and research value.[1]


Debt Resolution, Risk Prevention, Investment Companies, Transformational Development


Gao Yang, The Impact of Debt Disposal on Risk Prevention of Financing Companies: the Basis of Market-oriented Transformation Development. Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2023) Vol. 6: 127-131. DOI:


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