Aerodynamic Characteristics Analysis of Curve Overtaking Based on CFD
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2023.080412 | Downloads: 22 | Views: 469
Tang Hongtao 1,2, Wang Wei 1,2, Chen Jiahui 1,2, Zhou Nenghui 3
1 Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, 300222, China
2 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Integrated Design and Online Monitoring of Light Industry and Food Engineering Machinery & Equipment, Tianjin, 300222, China
3 Tianjin Yidingfeng Power Technology Co., Ltd., Tianjin, 300380, China
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Tang HongtaoABSTRACT
In this paper, numerical simulation of the overtaking process in a curve is carried out based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and dynamic mesh technology, and the flow field distribution data between the main overtaking vehicle and the overtaken vehicle at different speeds are statistically analyzed. The study shows that: during the overtaking process in a bend, pressure and flow field changes of different degrees occurred between the two vehicles. As the relative position between the vehicles changes, the higher the speed of the main overtaking vehicle, the more drastic the aerodynamic force changes between the two vehicles; the fluctuation range of the change curve of the lateral force coefficient of the overtaken vehicle is larger, and the lateral force also appears to have a larger extreme value. The overtaking vehicle caused a forward shift of the overtaken vehicle's centre of pressure in relation to its centre of mass. This induced an increase in lateral force and swinging moment, rendering the vehicle more unstable and prone to rollover and skidding, severely compromising driving stability.
Road curve; overtake; difference in pressure; center of presssue; vortexCITE THIS PAPER
Tang Hongtao, Wang Wei, Chen Jiahui, Zhou Nenghui, Aerodynamic Characteristics Analysis of Curve Overtaking Based on CFD . Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2023) Vol. 8: 85-96. DOI:
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