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TSN Time Synchronization Based on Kalman Filtering

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2023.080607 | Downloads: 24 | Views: 733


Li Kai 1, Zhu Yuan 1, Sun Zhipeng 2


1 School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
2 Nanchang Intelligent New Energy Vehicle Research Institute, Nanchang, China

Corresponding Author

Sun Zhipeng


With the continuous development of the automotive industry and network technology, automotive Ethernet is facing the need for real-time and high-precision synchronization of data transmission. In this paper, the IEEE 802.1AS protocol gPTP based on the precise time protocol is studied and analysed in depth, focusing on the design and functional implementation of the time synchronization subsystem in the time-sensitive network system, and a method to improve the accuracy of time synchronization between nodes in the AUTOSAR protocol stack based on Kalman filter is given, and is implemented on the hardware platform AURIX TC397 and NXP SJA1110. Finally, the Kalman filter algorithm is used to correct the time synchronization error. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can significantly reduce the time deviation between the master-slave clocks.


IEEE 802.1AS protocol, Kalman filtering, AUTOSAR


Li Kai, Zhu Yuan, Sun Zhipeng, TSN Time Synchronization Based on Kalman Filtering. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2023) Vol. 8: 55-61. DOI:


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