Research on the Effect of AEB Braking on the Protection of Occupants in Collisions
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2024.090101 | Downloads: 51 | Views: 776
Weiqiang Peng 1, Zhendong Sun 1, Tenfei Bi 1, Haitao Zhu 1
1 China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China
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Zhendong SunABSTRACT
The application of automatic emergency braking (AEB) can effectively reduce accident injuries and improve vehicle safety, but it also brings new technical problems that need to be solved. In this paper, the possible effects of AEB on the injury of Occupants in the vehicle during the collision process were studied. By establishing a driver side dummy injury evaluation model before and after the AEB effect, the potential impact of AEB equipment on the driver's movement trajectory and various body injury indicators during the collision process is deeply studied. The results indicate that the early action of AEB during the collision process will change the motion trajectory of the passenger dummy before and after the collision, potentially increasing the injury indicators of the dummy's head, neck, and chest before the collision, but to some extent, it will reduce the damage values of various parts of the dummy's body during the collision stage. At the same time, due to the emergency braking of AEB, the driver's position relative to the interior changes, and auxiliary restraint system devices such as airbags and seat belts usually operate according to the normal position of the Occupants, which to some extent exacerbates the damage to the Occupants. Therefore, it is urgent to conduct research on the protection of Occupants in the out of position state under the action of AEB.
Automatic emergency braking system; Automobile collision protection; protection of OccupantsCITE THIS PAPER
Weiqiang Peng, Zhendong Sun, Tenfei Bi, Haitao Zhu, Research on the Effect of AEB Braking on the Protection of Occupants in Collisions. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2024) Vol. 9: 1-7. DOI:
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