Study on the Influencing Factors of L'Oreal Customers' Participation in Brand Value Co-creation Willingness
DOI: 10.23977/ferm.2024.070113 | Downloads: 103 | Views: 733
Yingying Qiu 1, Wenjun Lu 1
1 School of Management, Qingdao City University, Qingdao, Shandong, 266106, China
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Yingying QiuABSTRACT
With the rapid development of Internet and new media marketing, the rapid development and popularity of various social media and platforms have brought the relationship between brands and customers closer, customers have transformed from mere product consumers into "Co-creators" of brand value. Whether it is the traditional real economy, or the internet leading enterprises, everyone has realized that we can not stay in the traditional marketing thinking, but should pay attention to the important role played by consumers in brand marketing, to stimulate the willingness of consumers to participate in the co-creation of brand value, we can achieve rapid development in the rapidly changing internet era. Taking l'oréal brand as an example, this study adopts the method of questionnaire and empirical analysis to explore the relationship among brand awareness, interactive experience, benefit factors and value co-creation intention, the final results show that brand awareness, interactive experience and benefits significantly affect the willingness of customers to participate in the co-creation of brand value.
Value co-creation willingness; brand awareness; interactive experience; brand valueCITE THIS PAPER
Yingying Qiu, Wenjun Lu, Study on the Influencing Factors of L'Oreal Customers' Participation in Brand Value Co-creation Willingness. Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2024) Vol. 7: 86-90. DOI:
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