Discussion on Innovation and Practice of College Accounting Education Model under Internet + Big Data Model
DOI: 10.23977/accaf.2024.050103 | Downloads: 16 | Views: 403
Min Li 1, Han Wen 2
1 Jiangxi University of Software Professional Technology, Nanchang, China
2 Philippine Christian University Center for International Education, Manila, 1004, Philippines
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Along with the rapid development of our times, the content of the Internet + big data model is more perfect. In the process of accounting education, colleges and universities can not only use the "Internet + big data" model to teach, but also innovate and practice its teaching mode, so as to guarantee the corresponding teaching quality and effect, to provide help for students' learning and practice. Therefore, teachers' teaching methods must keep pace with The Times, take advantage of the changes brought by "Internet + big data" in the new situation, provide guidance for the conditions and methods of accounting education, and optimize the economic structure on this basis, and encourage the development of various educational activities. Teachers should also pay attention to the fact that while innovating the accounting education model, they need to understand and master the "Internet + big data" model and effectively apply it to the classroom to lay a corresponding foundation for students' learning and practice. This paper discusses and analyzes the innovation and practical measures in college accounting education under the mode of "Internet + big data" for reference only.
"Internet + big data" model; Colleges and universities; Accounting education model; Innovate; practiceCITE THIS PAPER
Min Li, Han Wen, Discussion on Innovation and Practice of College Accounting Education Model under Internet + Big Data Model. Accounting, Auditing and Finance (2024) Vol. 5: 15-23. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/accaf.2024.050103.
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