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Image 3D Reconstruction Based on Binocular Vision

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DOI: 10.23977/jipta.2024.070104 | Downloads: 51 | Views: 773


Fang Duan 1, Wei Sun 1, Jianpeng Zhu 1


1 College of Rail Transit, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai, 200235, China

Corresponding Author

Fang Duan


SEM can be used for studying the microstructure observation and crystal structure analysis of materials. FIB-SEM dual beam system can be simply understood as the coupling of single focused ion beam system and SEM. In order to fully utilize the grayscale information contained in microscopic morphology images, this paper proposes a three-dimensional reconstruction study based on the principle of binocular stereo vision and image processing technology. The study uses binocular vision to measure the depth information of the sample space, and combines image processing technology and visual programming technology to restore the three-dimensional morphology of the sample surface, providing data basis for a real-time feedback system for nano material processing based on FIB-SEM dual beam system images is of great significance for micro morphology observation and nano material processing.


FIB-SEM dual beam system; 3D reconstruction; Binocular stereo vision; digital image processing


Fang Duan, Wei Sun, Jianpeng Zhu, Image 3D Reconstruction Based on Binocular Vision. Journal of Image Processing Theory and Applications (2024) Vol. 7: 26-31. DOI:


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