Research on University Students' Financial Management under the Background of Internet Finance
DOI: 10.23977/accaf.2024.050116 | Downloads: 61 | Views: 671
Ruiting Wang 1, Bin He 1, Xiaoli Yin 1, Anjing Li 1, Xincheng Li 1, Ting Wu 1, Yijie Li 1
1 School of Economics and Management, Taizhou University, Taizhou, China
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With the rapid development of the digital economy, university students, as a special group, are receiving increasing attention in the current financial consumer market. University students, as the main group in the Internet era, are large in scale and frequently used Internet. Internet finance has a subtle impact on university students' understanding of financial management. Based on the development background of Internet finance, this paper points out that college students have low risk tolerance, lack of financial knowledge, and blocked information sources. Then this paper proposes that college students should reasonably allocate their own funds, actively learn financial knowledge, and make full use of network information. The paper aims to standardize the investment and financial behavior of university students, help improve their financial abilities, and guide the healthy development of investment and financial management among university students.
University students; Internet finance; Financial issuesCITE THIS PAPER
Ruiting Wang, Bin He, Xiaoli Yin, Anjing Li, Xincheng Li, Ting Wu, Yijie Li, Research on University Students' Financial Management under the Background of Internet Finance. Accounting, Auditing and Finance (2024) Vol. 5: 113-119. DOI:
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