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Research on the application strategy of consumer planned behavior theory in tourism marketing management

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DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2024.070205 | Downloads: 28 | Views: 464


Yang Chang 1, Xuejian Li 2, Xutong Jiang 1


1 School of Economics and Management, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, Yunnan, China
2 School of Culture and Tourism, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China

Corresponding Author

Xuejian Li


The goal of marketing is consumers; the goal of tourism marketing is tourism consumers, so tourism enterprises and merchants must accurately understand the behavior of tourism consumers. In order to realize the steady development of tourism enterprises and shops, tourism enterprises and merchants must innovate the tourism marketing management. Based on the elaboration and analysis of the theory of tourism consumer planning behavior, this paper discusses the key links that tourism enterprises and merchants should pay attention to in the implementation of tourism marketing management, as well as the tourism marketing management strategies that should be adopted, so as to better guide tourism enterprises and merchants to carry out tourism marketing management.


Tourism consumers; tourism enterprises and merchants; theory of consumer planning behavior; tourism marketing management; strategy research


Yang Chang, Xuejian Li, Xutong Jiang, Research on the application strategy of consumer planned behavior theory in tourism marketing management. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2024) Vol. 7: 29-33. DOI:


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