Study on a Helix-Loaded Azimuthally Periodic Circular Waveguide for Short-Millimeter Wave TWT
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2024.090115 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 228
Yang Liu 1, Xuying Zhang 1, Jun Wang 1, Yujiang Zhao 1, Bing Feng 1
1 Science and Technology on Electronic Information Control Laboratory, Chengdu, 610000, China
Corresponding Author
The transmitter is a key component in electronic systems and equipment for amplifying signal power, and the traveling wave tube (TWT) is a core component that realizes the key performance within the transmitter. For a long time, the slow wave structure (SWS) has been a key factor that restricts the improvement of TWT performance and the reduction of costs, which in turn limits the overall output power and operating frequency band of the transmitter. Therefore, the potential of helix slow wave structure(SWS) working at W band and higher frequency range is considered and the novel helix SWS is presented for high power wideband TWT in this paper. The proposed novel SWS consists of helixes that are arranged periodically about the axis of the conventional dielectric-lined circular waveguide. Here, the helixes are fixed in the dielectric layer, and a solid electron beam with larger radius passes through the waveguide center. The slow-wave dispersion equation and interaction impedance expression are obtained by the spatial harmonics method. The effects of the SWS parameters on the RF characteristics, including the pitch and the thickness and the angle of the helixes, are numerically calculated and discussed. It is indicated that selecting the appropriate thickness and angle of the helixes can increase the interaction impedance with only slight influence on the dispersion characteristics (pitch fixed). Moreover, compared with a dielectric-lined azimuthally periodic circular waveguide (DLAP-CW), the novel circuit is much shorter than the DLAP-CW-based circuit with good performance at the working frequencies. The HLAP-CW, therefore, will favor the miniaturized design of a high-power millimeter-wave TWT.
Transmitter, traveling wave tube, slow wave structure, novel helix, azimuthally periodic waveguide, dispersion characteristics, interaction impedance, spatial harmonics methodCITE THIS PAPER
Yang Liu, Xuying Zhang, Jun Wang, Yujiang Zhao, Bing Feng, Study on a Helix-Loaded Azimuthally Periodic Circular Waveguide for Short-Millimeter Wave TWT. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2024) Vol. 9: 95-104. DOI:
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