Analysis of Credit Customer Delinquency Based on BP Neural Network Model
DOI: 10.23977/ferm.2024.070323 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 468
Xinyu Wu 1, Jielin Shang 1
1 PLA Dalian Naval Academy, Dalian, China
Corresponding Author
With the advancement of the economic market in the new century, the issues of credit evaluation and risk prediction have received increasing attention. The advent of the big data era has led to the widespread development and application of neural networks. As an excellent classification tool, artificial neural networks do not require fixed premises or assumptions about inputs and outputs before modeling. They possess self-learning and self-adaptation capabilities, exhibit strong nonlinear mapping abilities, and have fault tolerance mechanisms, making them a powerful tool for solving credit issues. This paper utilizes R software to clean, process, and analyze credit customer data provided by a German credit database. A BP neural network model is established and evaluated based on criteria such as accuracy and AUC value. The model demonstrates good fitting effects and is used to predict the corresponding data set.
BP neural network; credit; delinquency; predictionCITE THIS PAPER
Xinyu Wu, Jielin Shang, Analysis of Credit Customer Delinquency Based on BP Neural Network Model. Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2024) Vol. 7: 181-186. DOI:
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