Research on the Dilemmas in the Development of Physical Fitness Levels of College Students and Sports Policies and Regulations
DOI: 10.23977/jhms.2024.050203 | Downloads: 30 | Views: 535
Hongjun Tao 1
1 Department of Physical Education, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei, 230601, China
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This paper primarily analyzes and studies some relevant sports policies and regulations for colleges and universities promulgated by the central government, the Ministry of Education, and the General Administration of Sport of China since 2000 using the methods of literature review and comparative analysis. It also compares the physical fitness levels of Chinese college students since 2005. Based on this analysis, the paper summarizes the reasons why the physical fitness levels of Chinese college students are at a relatively low level: limited physical education courses, heavy academic pressure, insufficient sports facilities, diverse extracurricular activities with many choices, lack of awareness of a healthy lifestyle among students, and lax enforcement of the requirement that students must meet the Student Physical Fitness Standards to graduate. Finally, it proposes effective strategies to promote the physical fitness levels of college students: increasing physical education class hours, constructing sufficient sports facilities, strictly enforcing the regulation that students who do not meet physical fitness standards cannot graduate, implementing reward and penalty policies, and strengthening health education.
Sports Policies and Regulations; College Students; Physical Fitness; Development Dilemmas; CountermeasuresCITE THIS PAPER
Hongjun Tao, Research on the Dilemmas in the Development of Physical Fitness Levels of College Students and Sports Policies and Regulations. Journal of Human Movement Science (2024) Vol. 5: 16-22. DOI:
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