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Research on Contemporary Economic Development and Gender Equality Issues in China from a Feminist Perspective

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DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2024.060421 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 159


Ziyang Zhang 1


1 The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2050, Australia

Corresponding Author

Ziyang Zhang


This paper presents a feminist examination of gender equality in the context of China's swift economic development, offering insights into the complex interplay between societal structures and women's economic participation. The research navigates through the socio-economic fabric of China, providing a nuanced understanding of how historical, cultural, and political factors converge to shape women's roles and opportunities within the economy. By integrating the concept of intersectionality, the study illuminates the diverse experiences of women, emphasizing how ethnicity, class, and geography intersect with gender to influence economic outcomes. The qualitative exploration of women's narratives reveals the resilience and agency they exhibit in the face of systemic barriers, while also exposing the persistent challenges that hinder their full economic empowerment. The discourse analysis critically deconstructs the state and media rhetoric, revealing the power dynamics that underpin the construction of gender roles and the implications for policy and public consciousness. The paper concludes with a robust argument for the imperative of inclusive policy-making and societal transformation to advance gender equality. It underscores the critical role of women's empowerment in driving sustainable and equitable economic growth, advocating for a reevaluation of traditional gender norms and the promotion of an inclusive economic paradigm that recognizes and values the contributions of women from all walks of life. The research contributes to the broader discourse on gender and development, providing a foundation for further inquiry and action towards a more equitable future.


Feminist Analysis, Gender Equality, Economic Development, Narratives and Experiences


Ziyang Zhang, Research on Contemporary Economic Development and Gender Equality Issues in China from a Feminist Perspective. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2024) Vol. 6: 139-145. DOI:


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