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Research on the Legitimacy of Overseas Military Bases from the Perspective of Constructivism—Taking the U.S. Overseas Military Bases as an Example

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DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2024.050202 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 264


Zhangping Wang 1


1 School of Law, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China

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Zhangping Wang


Overseas military bases are significant issues in the field of international security. A comprehensive review of domestic and foreign research reflects that opinions on the legitimacy of overseas military bases vary from country to country. This paper studies the legitimacy of overseas military bases from the perspective of constructivism. Taking the United States, which has the largest number of military bases worldwide, as an example, this paper conducts an empirical study on three types of bases: overseas military bases with lacking legitimacy (the U.S. military bases in Iraq), overseas military bases with insufficient legitimacy (the U.S. military bases in Japan), and overseas military bases with sufficient legitimacy (the U.S. military bases in Djibouti). The following conclusions are drawn: The legitimacy of overseas military bases depends on three factors--the legitimacy of international wars, the degree of compliance with international norms, and the recognition of the host countries.


Overseas military bases; legitimacy of international wars; international norms; the U.S.; host countries


Zhangping Wang, Research on the Legitimacy of Overseas Military Bases from the Perspective of Constructivism—Taking the U.S. Overseas Military Bases as an Example. Journal of Political Science Research (2024) Vol. 5: 16-30. DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2024.050202.


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