Improvement and Innovation of Appearance Design of Coffee Machine
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2018.31001 | Downloads: 246 | Views: 6981
Zhanfeng Zhao 1
1 Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College, Wenzhou, 325035
Corresponding Author
Zhanfeng ZhaoABSTRACT
In China, traditional manufacturing industries are changing into innovative industries, and the labels of commodities are changing from "made in China" to "created in China. The design and production technology of the coffee machines have started early abroad, which are relatively mature, focus on innovative design and development. However, market positioning of most domestic coffee machines is not clear without innovation, just the introduction of foreign design and technology. It would cost much to model or copy domestic and foreign existing products because it would be costly to process with heavy dependence on others. Modeling functions are mostly stereotyped, which are "stiff" and lack a sense of design, and there are many shortcomings in the using functions. So there is a big space for improvement and development.
Coffee machine, Innovation, DesignCITE THIS PAPER
Zhanfeng, Z. Improvement and Innovation of Appearance Design of Coffee Machine. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2018) 3: 1-5.
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