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Analysis of the Philosophical Implications and Importance of the Thought of Ecological Civilization in the New Era

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DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2024.050205 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 233


Ke Meng 1


1 Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China

Corresponding Author

Ke Meng


Ecological civilization constitutes a pivotal concept in contemporary China's developmental paradigm, representing not only a profound introspection of traditional developmental models but also an elevated understanding of the relationship between humanity and nature. Against the backdrop of escalating global environmental challenges, China's ecological civilization thought has emerged, guided by Marxist philosophy and tailored to China's specific realities, proposing a series of innovative and forward-looking developmental strategies. This article delves into the philosophical underpinnings of the thought of ecological civilization in the new era, elucidating its significant implications for green development, the construction of a beautiful China, ecological education, and community building, and suggesting concrete pathways for its practical implementation. The ecological civilization concept not only charts a course for China's modernization efforts but also offers Chinese wisdom and solutions for global environmental protection, embodying profound theoretical and practical significance.


New Era; Ecological Civilization; Philosophical Implications; Significance Analysis


Ke Meng, Analysis of the Philosophical Implications and Importance of the Thought of Ecological Civilization in the New Era. Journal of Political Science Research (2024) Vol. 5: 53-59. DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2024.050205.


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