Research and Implementation of Server Load Balancing Strategy in Service System
DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2018.31011 | Downloads: 29 | Views: 3280
Yunpeng Zhang 1, Liwei Liu 1, Xu Jia 1, Di Xian 1
1 National Satellite Meteorological Centre, Beijing, China
Corresponding Author
According to the current situation of the FTP server usage of the Intranet and extranet satellite data archiving systems of the National Satellite Meteorological Centre, this paper carefully analyzes the performance bottleneck of the server. The disaster recovery function of the overall system to cope with unexpected problems was increased and main service object information was counted. From the overall architecture level, the existing FTP service is upgraded and transformed to achieve efficient and secure meteorological satellite data storage and data download FTP server clustering.
FTP server, Load balancing, Stress test, Health check, Triangular transmission.CITE THIS PAPER
Yunpeng, Y., Liwei, L., Jia, X., Xian, D., Research and Implementation of Server Load Balancing Strategy in Service System. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2018) 3: 16-21.
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