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Design and implementation of efficient Learning platform based on SpringBoot Framework

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2021.61011 | Downloads: 2701 | Views: 9165


Guanhong Chen 1, Jiangming Xu 2


1 Lingnan Normal University, Computer Science and Technology, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, 524048
2 School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, 541000

Corresponding Author

Guanhong Chen


With the development of Internet technology, the demand for people's information exchange is getting higher and higher, and the traditional way of communication can no longer meet the needs of students. In order to improve the efficiency of information exchange, this paper uses a progressive framework, such as SpringBoot and Vue framework, these frameworks are easy to develop and maintain. According to these technologies, this paper designs a learning exchange community system for college students to learn and communicate. First of all, we analyze the research background and research status of learning community. Then, we analyzed the requirements of the system, including system function, performance and security requirements, and carried out the overall design of the system. The whole system is divided into several modules for development, and the specific module content is designed in detail, and the corresponding system functions are realized by using development tools. Finally, we use the black box to test the function, performance and security of the system.


SpringBoot, communication community, Vue, software system development


Guanhong Chen, Jiangming Xu. Design and implementation of efficient Learning platform based on SpringBoot Framework. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2021) 6: 67-70. DOI:


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