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Flow Scheduling Strategies for Minimizing Flow Completion Times in Information-agnostic Data Center Networks

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DOI: 10.23977/jnca.2016.11003 | Downloads: 42 | Views: 7428


Peiyi Yu 1, Bo Liu 1, Chao Hu 1,2, Changyou Xing 1


1 College of Command Information Systems, PLA University of Science and Technology, China
2 Key Laboratory of Computer Network and Information Integration (Southeast University), Ministry of Education

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Chao Hu


Minimizing the flow completion time (FCT) is widely considered as an important optimization goal in designing data center networks. However, existing schemes either rely on the precondition that the size and deadline of each flow is known in advance, or require modifying the switch hardware, which is hard to implement in practice.  In this paper, we present MCPF, a flexible and dynamic flow scheduling strategy to reduce the FCT. This strategy is based on the estimated probabilities of each flow to finish the transmission in a period time, and these flows which have higher completion probabilities are assigned with higher priority. Meanwhile, switches perform flow scheduling according to these priorities. We employ a queueing theory based mathematical model to analyze the average FCT of MCPF, and compare it with other two flow scheduling strategies. We also introduce the challenges and the solutions to implement MCPF in realistic networks. Finally, we evaluate the performance of MCPF in Mininet. The analysis and experimental results show that MCPF could effectively reduce the FCT.


completion time; scheduling strategy; data center networks; information agnostic


Peiyi, Y. , Chao, H. , Bo, L. and Changyou, X. (2016) Flow Scheduling Strategies for Minimizing Flow Completion Times in Information-agnostic Data Center Networks. Journal of Network Computing and Applications (2016) 1: 12-20.


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