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Integration and Optimization of E-Commerce Industry Cluster and Green Supply Chain Network under the Background of Rural Revitalization

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DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2021.030210 | Downloads: 28 | Views: 1866


Li Zhang 1


1 School of Economics and Finance, Zhanjiang University of Science and Technology, Zhanjiang 524084, Guangdong, China

Corresponding Author

Li Zhang


Supply chain optimization is a process of continuous improvement, because the actual supply chain will adjust with the change of social reality. This paper proposes a supply chain integration and optimization algorithm SCIO based on multi tree. Based on the concept of GHG, combined with the background of rural revitalization, this paper uses SCIO to analyze the supply chain selection strategy and the degree of temporary cooperation, the degree of consumers' preference for network supply chain, and the price sensitivity coefficient. The research shows that the minimum average gap of SCIO is 1.41%, the maximum average gap is 3.75%, the average gap is less than 5%, and the average gap of each case is 3.25%. In terms of solution time, the minimum time is 12.1s, the maximum time is 48S, the average time of small-scale case is 12.7s, and the average time of large-scale case is 31.5s. Compared with the classical supply chain game model, the comprehensive performance of this model is improved by more than 32%. When the degree of temporary cooperation is less than a certain threshold, the manufacturer should set a higher wholesale price. When the degree of temporary cooperation is greater than a certain threshold, the manufacturer should set a higher wholesale price.


Green Supply Chain, e-Commerce Industry Agglomeration, Supply Chain Integration and Optimization, Rural Revitalization Plan


Li Zhang. Integration and Optimization of E-Commerce Industry Cluster and Green Supply Chain Network under the Background of Rural Revitalization. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2021) 3: 64-83. DOI:


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