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Research on fire rescue using grey prediction model

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2021.060209 | Downloads: 23 | Views: 1042


Qing Yu 1


1 School of mathematics and physics, Chengdu University of technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610051

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Qing Yu


With the rapid development of China's economy, the tasks undertaken by fire rescue teams also show a trend of diversification and complexity.In order to strengthen the construction of the national fire rescue team and improve the accuracy and safety of the police task, this paper forecasts the number of people on duty on holidays and daily time every year by establishing a planning model.Then, through the quantitative collection of the number of police calls per month from 2016 to 2019, the number of police calls per month in 2020 is verified, the number of police calls per month in 2021 is predicted, and compared with the actual data to evaluate the accuracy and stability of the model.


0-1 Planning model, Grey prediction model, Fire rescue planning


Qing Yu. Research on fire rescue using grey prediction model. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2021) 6: 59-63. DOI:


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