Discussion on TCM treatment of hydrocephalus after cerebral hemorrhage in children from "unfavorable blood is water"
DOI: 10.23977/phpm.2021.010109 | Downloads: 31 | Views: 2252
Ruijuan Duan 1, Hujie Song 2, Yalan Yu 2, Langlang Cao 1
1 Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712046, Shaanxi, China
2 Xi'an Hospital of Encephalopathy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xi 'an 710032, Shaanxi Province, China
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Hydrocephalus after cerebral hemorrhage in children is mostly secondary to trauma and spontaneous hemorrhage. At present, complications of western medicine surgery treatment are inevitable, while TCM treatment with drugs of warming yang, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis may play a certain role in reducing complications. At present, there are few research reports on this at home and abroad. Based on the theory of "adverse blood is water", combined with the thought of brain water stasis syndrome of Zhang Xuewen Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Song Hujie's experience in treating hydrocephalus and related cases reported in recent years, this paper discusses the application of oral administration, external application and acupuncture treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in hydrocephalus after cerebral hemorrhage in children, which explores a new direction for further clinical treatment and has certain clinical value of traditional Chinese medicine.
Hydrocephalus after cerebral hemorrhage in children, Adverse blood is water, Chinese medicine treatment, Trinity therapyCITE THIS PAPER
Ruijuan Duan, Hujie Song, Yalan Yu, Langlang Cao. Discussion on TCM treatment of hydrocephalus after cerebral hemorrhage in children from "unfavorable blood is water" . MEDS Public Health and Preventive Medicine (2021) 1: 51-58. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/phpm.2021.010109.
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