Research on Server Cooling Factors Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2021.060210 | Downloads: 62 | Views: 1734
Hao Zhang 1, Guanghua Li 1
1 College of Science, Tibet University, Lhasa, Tibet, 850000, China
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In this paper, tidal variation, seasonal change, sea water depth and longitude and latitude are considered as four important factors affecting the heat dissipation of seabed server. The weight of each factor and heat dissipation degree is determined by analytic hierarchy process. The results show that the seasonal change factor has the greatest impact on the heat dissipation degree of server, accounting for 47%, followed by sea water depth and geographical location, it reaches 28% and 16% of the specific gravity respectively. The tidal variation has the smallest impact on heat dissipation, only 9%.
degree of heat dissipation, seasonal change, tidal variationCITE THIS PAPER
Hao Zhang, Guanghua Li. Research on Server Cooling Factors Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2021) 6: 64-68. DOI:
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