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Business Culture and Strategy--Take IBM as an example

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DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2021.030523 | Downloads: 478 | Views: 3601




1 Yulin University, Shaanxi Province, China

Corresponding Author



Throughout the history of China, the cultural change in Chinese society can be described as magnificent. In this major change that has not been seen in three thousand years, the rapid development of China's economy has proved the value of cultural change. There is reason to believe that Chinese CEOs are fully capable of grasping the pulse of cultural change and enabling their companies to enter the new harbor smoothly. Finally, what needs to be reminded is that cultural change should not be regarded as an event, nor should it be regarded as a difficulty. The correct attitude is that cultural change is a process of continuous pursuit of success. This article starts with the concept of culture and change, starting from the actual situation faced by Chinese enterprises, taking the international giant IBM as an example, and expounds in detail the value reengineering, strategy reengineering and organizational process reengineering under cultural change. On the basis of the above discussion, the author clarified the importance of business choice, getting rid of path dependence, and a strong CEO in the work of cultural change.


Business, Culture, Strategy, IBM


WEI MENGXI. Business Culture and Strategy--Take IBM as an example. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2021) 3: 124-130. DOI:


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