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DOI: 10.23977/aipps.2021.010101 | Downloads: 55 | Views: 2541


ORODU Victor Enearepuadoh 1, OTOKPA Victor 1


1 Department of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Niger Delta University, P.M.B 071, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State. Nigeria

Corresponding Author

ORODU Victor Enearepuadoh


Extraction and GC-MS analysis of oil from ripe Carica papaya  peel was carried out. The Carica papaya peels were hand picked from different local fruit markets in Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State. The peels were oven dried at 70oC for 24 hours, ground to powder and 1000g was weighed and soaked with 1.7 lites of  n-hexane for 72 hours. The decant was evaporated in a water bath  at 35°C to get the oil. The GC-MS analysis using GC-MS Clarus500 version detected and identified 10 different compounds present in the oil. The analysis showed the percentage concentration of  each compound with their different retention time (oleic acid 65.82%  at 18.42min, Palmitic acid 16.16%  at 18.578min, linoleic acid 6.08%  at 20.254min, lauric acid 6.05%  at 1.012min, stearic acid 4.73%  at 1.142min, arachidic acid 0.38% at 15.015min, palmitoleic acid 0.35% at 22.017min, myristic acid 0.2% at 24.089min, margaric acid 0.13% at 25.142min and linoleic acid 0.1% at 20.536min respectively). From the result, the major compounds detected shows that the oil can be useful in the pharmacological, chemical, cosmetic, and agricultural industries. Thus, the potential use of the Carica papaya peels for oil production seems favorable. However, further studies should be carried out on the oil to ensure that it is safe for consumption as food.


Extraction, carica papaya, GC-MS, Waste, peels, oil


ORODU Victor Enearepuadoh, OTOKPA Victor. EXTRACTION AND GC-MS ANALYSIS OF OIL OBTAINED FROM RIPE CARICA PAPAYA L. PEELS. Advances in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2021) Vol. 1: 1-13. DOI:


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