Supplier Production Importance Evaluation Model Based on RSR Comprehensive Evaluation Method and TOPSIS Method
DOI: 10.23977/jnca.2021.060108 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 1475
Junyan Tian 1, Xin Qu 1, Zhijing Wu 1
1 School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210094, China
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This paper studies the production plan of an enterprise and the historical data of many suppliers, and puts forward a reasonable ordering and transportation prediction scheme for the enterprise according to different situations. Firstly, we standardized the data of 402 suppliers to calculate the total value, square error and normalized value of supply quantity and order quantity. Then select five indicators: supply stability capacity, total supply quantity, supplier supply capacity, raw material consumption and raw material unit price, and score the importance of suppliers respectively by RSR rank sum ratio comprehensive evaluation method and TOPSIS method. Finally, calculate the average value of the two scores and select the top 50 with the highest score as the result.
RSR Comprehensive Evaluation Method, TOPSIS Good and Bad Solution Distance Method, Evaluation ModelCITE THIS PAPER
Junyan Tian, Xin Qu, Zhijing Wu, Supplier Production Importance Evaluation Model Based on RSR Comprehensive Evaluation Method and TOPSIS Method. Journal of Network Computing and Applications (2021) 6: 36-40. DOI:
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