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Novel Thermal Solution for Low Profile 1U Horizontal Box with Passive Cooling

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2019.41012 | Downloads: 22 | Views: 2742


Lian-Tuu Yeh 1


1 Dallas, Texas, USA

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Lian-Tuu Yeh


The 1U (1.75” thick) horizontal box under the natural convection is typically applied to the low power systems in the past. With increasing speeds and functionalities, the system power for a 1U box has been increased significantly in the recent years. Because of the increasing demands on the system performance and reliability, the thermal design is also becoming even more critical and important. A novel design concept is developed for the 1U horizontal box. The key technologies of this concept are (a) openings (holes) for ambient air flowing through the internal of the box and (b) large common heat sinks (each heat sink serving a group of components).  The extended fins of heat sinks over the holes are cooled directly by the ambient air flowing through the openings (holes) of the box. This cooling scheme significantly reduces the length of thermal paths from the components to the ambient. Another feature of this novel design concept is divided the box into two upper and lower sections as presented in order to increase the system capacity and also to meet various types of system configurations. This innovative design concept enables to support the system power up to 75 watts with the ambient at 55 ℃.


Low profile; Novel thermal solution; 1U horizontal box; Passive cooling


Lian-Tuu Yeh, Novel Thermal Solution for Low Profile 1U Horizontal Box with Passive Cooling, Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2019) 4: 8-16. DOI:


[1] Flotherm software by Mentor Graphics.
[2] Thermal Management of Microelectronic Equipment, Lian-Tuu Yeh and Richard C Chu, ASME Press, New York, NY, 2002.

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