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Critically Evaluate the Impact of Digitalisation on the Cultural Industries -To what extent for the digitalisation of music had an impact on music sale?

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DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2022.030107 | Downloads: 148 | Views: 2946


Huang Jiaoya 1


1 University of Nottingham, Quanzhou, 362000, China

Corresponding Author

Huang Jiaoya


This essay has explored the extent of the impact of the digitalisation of music on music sales. This essay has revealed that technological advancements which have facilitated the creation of the gramophone, the Internet and P2P social networks have all contributed to the digitalisation of music. However, it is also evident that digitalisation has effectively become an efficient music promotional tool that is used by artists and record labels alike to promote newly released music.  Studies discussed in this essay have revealed that digital platforms such as Spotify and QQ Music have stimulated music sales both online and offline.


Cultural industries, Digitalisation of music, Spotify, Qq music


Huang Jiaoya, Critically Evaluate the Impact of Digitalisation on the Cultural Industries-To what extent for the digitalisation of music had an impact on music sale?. Art and Performance Letters (2022) 3: 27-34. DOI:


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