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Experimental Model of Olefin Preparation from Ethanol Based on Multiple Nonlinear Regression

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DOI: 10.23977/jmpd.2022.060101 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 1201


Junyao Zhou 1, Shuyan Nie 2


1 College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, 333000, China
2 School of Management and Economics, Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, 333000, China

Corresponding Author

Junyao Zhou


C4 olefins are widely used in the production of chemical products and medicine. The effects of different catalyst combinations and temperatures on ethanol conversion and C4 olefin selectivity were investigated. Firstly, according to the given data, the three-dimensional curve fitting for ethanol conversion, temperature and catalyst combination is made respectively, and the qualitative analysis based on data visualization is carried out. Then, the control variable method is used to compare and analyze the data of each group, and the effects of loading mode, addition of hap, CO loading and ethanol concentration on C4 olefin yield are analyzed respectively. Finally, based on the results of the above two qualitative analysis, the multiple nonlinear regression equations for ethanol conversion and C4 olefin selectivity are obtained, and the quantitative impact analysis is obtained.


Three dimensional curve fitting, Multiple nonlinear regression, Control variable method


Junyao Zhou, Shuyan Nie, Experimental Model of Olefin Preparation from Ethanol Based on Multiple Nonlinear Regression. Journal of Materials, Processing and Design (2022) Vol. 6: 1-4. DOI:


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