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Network Public Opinion Governance during Public Health Emergencies in the Post-Epidemic Era--a Case of “Covid-19 Epidemic Outbreak in Nanjing and Zhangjiajie” in Sina Micro-Blog

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DOI: 10.23977/phpm.2022.020104 | Downloads: 27 | Views: 1416


Xinyu ZHAO 1


1 Shenzhen Campus, Jinan University, Shenzhen, China

Corresponding Author

Xinyu ZHAO


In the Post-epidemic Era, the ongoing rebound of the COVID-19 epidemic is testing the initiatives and capabilities of local governments in epidemic prevention. Taking the events of “COVID-19 epidemic outbreak in Nanjing and Zhangjiajie” as an example, this paper used web crawler tools to scarp relevant data from Sina Micro-blog statistical and data visualisation methods to analyze the life cycle and the features of public opinion evolution of the event, and provide suggestions for the government to manage network public opinion in public health emergencies.


COVID-19 epidemic, Nanjing, Zhangjiajie, network public opinion, topic clustering, sentiment analysis


Xinyu ZHAO, Network Public Opinion Governance during Public Health Emergencies in the Post-Epidemic Era--a Case of “Covid-19 Epidemic Outbreak in Nanjing and Zhangjiajie” in Sina Micro-Blog. MEDS Public Health and Preventive Medicine (2022) Vol. 2: 18-24. DOI:


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