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Analytic Study of Waves in a Magnetised Partially Ionised Gas

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DOI: 10.23977/japae.2020.010101 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 3860


Alagoa K.D. 1, Letsholathebe, D. 2, Meindinyo, R. O. K. 1


1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Niger Delta University, Nigeria
2 Department of Physics, University of Botswana, Gaborone

Corresponding Author

Alagoa K.D.


Expanding Wave interaction in a magnetised partially ionised gas is simulated by introducing an oscillatory disturbance at a boundary surface. The basic Magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) equations are solved under realistic simple assumptions. The resulting dispersion expressions are then analysed for wave propagation phenomena in the plasma environment. The contributions of magnetic field, ionic-neutral mixes and collision frequencies are highlighted qualitatively. The outcome of the observations could find usefulness in communication, space vehicle re-entry and technology in general, with attendance enrichment in the literature in wave-wave interaction in the physics of astrophysical sites.


Wave evolution, Plasma and Magnetic Field


Alagoa K.D., Letsholathebe, D., Meindinyo, R. O. K., Analytic Study of Waves in a Magnetised Partially Ionised Gas. Journal of Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment (2020) 1: 1-7. DOI:


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