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Analysis on the Cause of Bias Flow in Cracked Gas Compressor

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DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2022.070205 | Downloads: 25 | Views: 1119


Yuying Sun 1, Jinsheng Wang 1, Liang Li 2


1 Research Instituted, Shenyang Blower Group Co., Ltd. No.16A, Development Road, Economic &Technical Development Zone, Shenyang, China
2 SBW installation Maintenance Accessory Co., Ltd. No.16A, Development Road, Economic &Technical Development Zone, Shenyang, China

Corresponding Author

Yuying Sun


Ethylene is one of the largest chemical products in the world, and the ethylene industry is the core of the petrochemical industry. At present, the scale of the largest ethylene plant has reached 1.8 million tons/year. Many petrochemical enterprises have achieved an increase in ethylene production through the transformation and upgrading of the original equipment. The cracked gas compressor is the key moving equipment in the ethylene plant. It is the first procedure of conveying raw gas in the ethylene process and the key unit of the whole process. the weight flow of the compressor limits the maximum production capacity of the plant. This paper takes the cracked gas compressor in an ethylene plant as the research object and analyses the bias flow phenomenon, which refers to the uneven amount of flow in the intake pipelines of the low-pressure cylinder with double-suction structure during the start-up process. From the perspectives of changes in compressor design parameters, differences in actual operating conditions and performance curves, and characteristics of pipe network resistance, we expound the influencing factors that cause drift flow, and put forward reasonable suggestions for the design method of retrofit compressors. It provides a high reference value for the design and smooth start-up of the cracking gas compressor renovation plan.


Cracked gas compressor, Bias flow, Pipe network resistance


Yuying Sun, Jinsheng Wang, Liang Li, Analysis on the Cause of Bias Flow in Cracked Gas Compressor. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2022) Vol. 7: 33-39. DOI:


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