Analysis of Performance Deviation for the Circulating Hydrogen Compressors of Reforming Unit
DOI: 10.23977/jpim.2022.020102 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 1896
Yuying Sun 1, Shengjun Li 2, Yonglong Tong 3
1 Research Institutd,Shenyang Blower Group Co., Ltd. No.16A, Development Road, Economic &Technical Development Zone, Shenyang, China
2 Design Institute,Shenyang Blower Group Co., Ltd. No.16A, Development Road, Economic &Technical Development Zone, Shenyang, China
3 SBW installation Maintenance Accessory Co., Ltd. No.16A, Development Road, Economic &Technical Development Zone, Shenyang, China
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Catalytic reforming is one of the important secondary processing methods in the refining process. It uses naphtha as raw material to produce high-octane gasoline components and organic chemical raw materials, and at the same time, cheap hydrogen is produced as a by-product. The circulating hydrogen compressor unit is the "heart" of the continuous reforming unit, and it is the power source for delivering the hydrogen produced by the reforming system to the downstream hydrogen consuming units. This paper takes the Circulating hydrogen and hydrogen booster compressors in Reforming Unit as the research object, aiming at the performance deviation phenomenon of the compressor during the operation process, and analyses the root cause of the deviation. After investigating through the comparative analysis of designed parameters and operating data, performance curve comparison, and medium composition, the key influencing factors causing the deviation are determined and further confirmed through third-party testing. This study provides a correct method for testing the molecular weight of circulating hydrogen compressors, and has an important guiding role for the performance evaluation of the same type of compressor units.
Reformer compressor, Performance deviation, Molecular weight detectionCITE THIS PAPER
Yuying Sun, Shengjun Li, Yonglong Tong, Analysis of Performance Deviation for the Circulating Hydrogen Compressors of Reforming Unit. Journal of Precision Instrument and Machinery (2022) Vol. 2: 11-17. DOI:
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