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Electroexfoliated graphene for electro-responsive gel preparation

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DOI: 10.23977/jmpd.2022.060106 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 998


Zhifeng Wang 1, Zhu Yang 2, Pinzhang Chen 1


1 Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 102299, China
2 Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China

Corresponding Author

Zhifeng Wang


The existing graphene preparation methods are complicated, and the prepared graphene has poor conductivity and mechanical properties. In this experiment, electrochemical methods will be used to mechanically exfoliate graphene with good electrical conductivity and flexibility in a green and efficient way. There are hydrogel preparation methods, and the prepared hydrogels have poor electrical response and mechanical properties. In this experiment, we will use photoinitiated polymerization to prepare graphene composite hydrogels with excellent electrical responsiveness and mechanical strength.


Polymer hydrogels, Electroexfoliated grapheme, Electroexf-oliated graphene composite gels, Electroresponsive properties


Zhifeng Wang, Zhu Yang, Pinzhang Chen, Electroexfoliated graphene for electro-responsive gel preparation. Journal of Materials, Processing and Design (2022) Vol. 6: 22-27. DOI:


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