Prediction and Evaluation Method of Vehicle Mobility Performance
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2022.070210 | Downloads: 30 | Views: 1094
Chao Song 1, Hao Hu 1, Hao Zhang 1
1 Army Academy of Armored Force, Changxindian, Beijing, China
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Predicting and evaluating vehicle maneuverability is an important method to improve vehicle parameters and improve vehicle maneuverability at the beginning of production design; it is also an important reference for users to fully understand vehicle performance and operate rationally according to its performance. This paper firstly introduces the meaning of vehicle maneuverability prediction and evaluation; secondly, by reading a large number of relevant literatures on current maneuverability prediction and evaluation techniques and methods, it expounds its development status, and summarizes and introduces the widely used vehicle maneuverability prediction and evaluation methods, and compared and analyzed the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of each method. Finally, it puts forward some thoughts on the selection direction of wheeled vehicle maneuverability prediction and evaluation methods, which provides a useful reference for the subsequent quantitative research on the prediction and evaluation of the overall maneuverability of wheeled vehicles.
Mobility performance prediction, vehicle engineering, performance evaluationCITE THIS PAPER
Chao Song, Hao Hu, Hao Zhang, Prediction and Evaluation Method of Vehicle Mobility Performance. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2022) Vol. 7: 75-83. DOI:
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