Design and Research of a Closed Active Quasi-Zero Stiffness Vibration Isolation Device
DOI: 10.23977/jpim.2022.020103 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 1763
Weijie Zhang 1, Cheng Qian 1, Limin Pan 1, Yuping Wang 1, Na Xu 1
1 College of Information Science and Engineering, Jiaxing University,118# Jiahang road, Jiaxing, China
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Weijie ZhangABSTRACT
In order to solve the suppression of micro-vibration in the field of precision instrument measurement, a closed active quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolation device is proposed in this paper. The device is mainly composed of a bearing platform, a shell, a moving platform, an upper fixed block, a transmission rod, a spring steel sheet, a lower fixed block and a static platform, etc. According to the requirements of quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolation, the selection design and assembly design of the negative stiffness mechanism are carried out. The kinematics principle is analyzed, the mechanical analysis and feasibility calculation are researched, and the design of the vibration isolation platform is finally completed, which provides a new structural idea for the quasi-zero stiffness low-frequency vibration isolation device.
low frequency, Negative stiffness, Spring steel sheet, coil springCITE THIS PAPER
Weijie Zhang, Cheng Qian, Limin Pan, Yuping Wang, Na Xu, Design and Research of a Closed Active Quasi-Zero Stiffness Vibration Isolation Device. Journal of Precision Instrument and Machinery (2022) Vol. 2: 18-24. DOI:
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