Research on the Impact of Foreign Brand Perception on Corporate Consumer Purchasing Behavior
DOI: 10.23977/jhms.2022.030103 | Downloads: 27 | Views: 1088
Changqi Huo 1
1 College of History and Ethnic Culture, Guizhou University, Guiyang, China
Corresponding Author
Globalization and the intensification of world economic integration have enabled more and more overseas companies to enter the Chinese market and win the hearts and minds of Chinese consumers and expand market share by integrating Chinese elements into their brand names, logos, advertisements and products. As a result, Chinese local brands not only face huge competitive pressure in overseas markets, but also meet the challenges of other local competitors and overseas companies in the domestic market. On the other hand, the continuous development of the economy and culture has made more and more consumers tend to choose foreign brands, and believe that foreign brands, especially Western brands, have higher product quality, brand prestige and global citizenship attributes. In response to the above two situations, local Chinese companies have begun to try to choose global or foreign elements and integrate them into their own brands and products, thereby improving consumers' perception of the global nature of the brand, attracting more consumers, and expanding their share in domestic and foreign markets. However, consumers do not blindly believe that brands that integrate popular culture elements around the world have high brand interests, and sometimes the cultural elements of a certain country and local characteristics can also make the brand have higher brand interests. Therefore, it is crucial to study how local Chinese brands can choose the right cultural elements to improve the global nature of the brand and thus increase the willingness to buy.
Foreign brand image; Corporate brand image perception; Enterprise ecosystem construction; Corporate consumer purchasing behaviorCITE THIS PAPER
Changqi Huo, Research on the Impact of Foreign Brand Perception on Corporate Consumer Purchasing Behavior. Journal of Human Movement Science (2022) Vol. 3: 13-20. DOI:
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