Research and Application of Equipment Management in Iron and Steel Enterprises Based on Life Cycle
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2020.050104 | Downloads: 22 | Views: 2189
Peng Wang 1
1 School of Economics and Management, Dalian University, No.10, Xuefu Avenue, Economic & Technical Development Zone, Dalian, Liaoning,The People's Republic of China(PRC)
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As an important part of heavy industry, iron and steel enterprises have received great attention and support from the state. But now that the new economy is reforming, iron and steel companies are constrained by traditional equipment management thinking, and it is difficult to make good use of various resources. With the continuous reform of China's economy, the only way for modern enterprises is information construction. Steel companies cannot stop at their past achievements and must make changes. Below we will study the equipment management of iron and steel enterprises based on the full life cycle.
Full life cycle; iron and steel enterprises; equipment management; information constructionCITE THIS PAPER
Peng Wang. Research and Application of Equipment Management in Iron and Steel Enterprises Based on Life Cycle. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2020) Vol. 5: 19-21. DOI:
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