Study on the Mechanism of the Generation of Plaque Defects on the Tooth Surface of High Speed Railway Transmission Gears
DOI: 10.23977/pmcp.2022.030102 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 1665
Hui Li 1
1 Hydrogen Link (Jiangsu) High Tech Co., Ltd., Changzhou, 213164, China
Corresponding Author
High-speed railways play an important role in the development of the national regional economy, where the performance of the transmission gears directly affects their reliability and safety. A study was conducted to investigate the mechanism of the defect through chemical composition inspection, macroscopic observation, microscopic morphology, hardness testing and microstructure analysis of a regular crater defect on the tooth surface of a transmission gear found in the maintenance of a high-speed railway train. The results of the study show that the crater defect is a partial melt and mechanical wear caused by galvanic corrosion, which is due to inadequate insulation of the rail to ground and partial dispersion of the current breaking through the thin oil film between the high-speed rotating gears to produce spark discharge, which in turn forms galvanic corrosion.
Transmission gears, Galvanic corrosion, Friction, WearCITE THIS PAPER
Hui Li, Study on the Mechanism of the Generation of Plaque Defects on the Tooth Surface of High Speed Railway Transmission Gears. Progress in Materials Chemistry and Physics (2022) Vol. 3: 9-16. DOI:
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