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Research on transverse impact performance of pipe-in-pipe structure

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DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2023.080105 | Downloads: 37 | Views: 855


Xin Hu 1


1 Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100124, China

Corresponding Author

Xin Hu


Pipe-in-pipe structure are widely used in offshore oil and gas transportation. The structure is subjected to various dynamic loads such as earthquakes and vortex-induced vibrations during service, of which transverse impact is the main cause of structure damage. At present, the whole process analysis and parameter analysis of the pipe-in-pipe structure under the action of impact are not systematic and complete. Based on the explicit dynamic software LS-DYNA, the finite element model of the pipe-in-pipe structure was established, and a systematic parametric analysis was carried out on the parameters of the pipe-in-pipe structure. Based on the three aspects of force, displacement and energy absorption, the influence of the three parameters of span, diameter ratio and thickness ratio on the impact resistance of the tube-in-tube structure is revealed. The research results show that the impact force time-history curve of the pipe-in-pipe structure can be divided into five stages. The resistance of the tube-in-tube structure to impact is significantly influenced by the ratio of thickness and span.


Pipe-in-pipe structure; transverse impact; numerical simulation; dynamic response


Xin Hu, Research on transverse impact performance of pipe-in-pipe structure. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2023) Vol. 8: 31-44. DOI:


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