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Social and environmental movement and the need for public communication by social actors. the case of Kabylia in Algeria

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DOI: 10.23977/jhms.2021.020101 | Downloads: 17 | Views: 2436


SADOUNI Tewfik 1


1 Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Social Sciences Department, University of Bejaia, Bejaia 06000, Algeria

Corresponding Author



Algeria has been committed to protecting the environment since 1974. But, with the advent, new laws and the creation of new environmental protection organizations have tried to minimize the risks by giving the population a margin of choice in their socio-environmental life. To this end, the Kabyle region, an inseparable unit of Algeria, has observed civic and associative engagement in order to eradicate the alarming situation. For this, the institutional actor was faced with a situation of communicating the environment and projects related to the environment. However, the institutional actor is confronted with the social and media actor by changing the communication strategies for each occasion, something which has allowed the appearance of new social policies of governance and a reconfiguration of existing management policies.


Social Actor, Public communication, Environment, Kabylia, Actor strategies, Jel classification: D74


SADOUNI Tewfik, Social and environmental movement and the need for public communication by social actors. the case of Kabylia in Algeria. Journal of Human Movement Science (2021) 2: 1-12. DOI:


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