Numerical Simulation Study of the Surface Subsidence Caused by TBM Tunnel Excavation
DOI: 10.23977/george.2023.010101 | Downloads: 24 | Views: 1512
Tong Wang 1, Jiangbo Yang 1
1 Hebei GEO University, No. 136 East Huai'an Road, Shijiazhuang, 050031, China
Corresponding Author
TBM (shield machine) tunnel excavation is a commonly used method in underground engineering construction, but the construction process will affect the surrounding soil, easy to a certain extent produce soil disturbance, causing surface subsidence and other geological disasters. Therefore, the TBM tunnel excavation cause surface subsidence numerical simulation research has important engineering practical significance. In this study, the TBM tunnel excavation of a section of subway in Shijiazhuang was selected as a case to establish a numerical model, analyze the surface subsidence caused by the construction process, and summarize a series of surface subsidence rules. The lateral settlement of the surface is increasing with the excavation of the tunnel, and its settlement curve conforms to Peck's law; The longitudinal surface subsidence displacement of tunnel excavation has a greater impact than the transverse surface subsidence displacement, and the longitudinal subsidence gradually decreases with the increase of the tunnel buried depth, and the settlement gradually increases with the process of tunnel excavation. By comparing the numerical simulation results with the actual monitoring values of the construction site, it is concluded that the reaction rules on the settlement curve are basically consistent, so as to verify the applicability of the numerical simulation and can provide reference for similar construction projects.
TBM tunnel excavation, surface subsidence, numerical simulation, construction processCITE THIS PAPER
Tong Wang, Jiangbo Yang, Numerical Simulation Study of the Surface Subsidence Caused by TBM Tunnel Excavation. International Journal of Geological Resources and Geological Engineering (2023) Vol. 1: 1-8. DOI:
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