The Evaluation Research on the Importance of User Requirements of Chinese Middle-Aged Lady Dresses
DOI: 10.23977/texcd.2023.020101 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 1134
Jun Yao 1, Jianhui Chen 1
1 College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai, 200051, China
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Jianhui ChenABSTRACT
In order to improve user satisfaction and improve the accuracy of clothing product design, this study takes the dress of Chinese middle-aged women as an example, classify the needs of Chinese middle-aged women, and then divides the important degree of their needs by means of the application of the four-quadrant model and finally obtains the important and urgently needed needs. Then, it tries to compare Chinese females of different ages, income, purchase route and purchase frequency so as to obtain the demand classification of different users' attributes and relevant importance evaluation. After all these calculation and analysis, the research results present that the craft, color, style and fabric are the important user needs of Chinese middle-aged women's dresses, among which the craft and color are the important and urgently required user needs. Meanwhile, we can find that Chinese women in this age group with different user characteristics have varied urgent needs for dresses.
Middle-aged women's wear, user demand, importance degree, clothing designCITE THIS PAPER
Jun Yao, Jianhui Chen, The Evaluation Research on the Importance of User Requirements of Chinese Middle-Aged Lady Dresses. Textiles and Clothing Design (2023) Vol. 2: 1-9. DOI:
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