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Lean Manufacturing Implementation for Process Improvement in the Cable Company: A Comprehensive Approach

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DOI: 10.23977/msom.2023.040501 | Downloads: 34 | Views: 745


Safiye Turgay 1, Seda Pirvan 1, Çiğdem Cebeci 1


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey

Corresponding Author

Safiye Turgay


This research paper explores the application of lean manufacturing techniques for process improvement in the cable company. Lean manufacturing is a philosophy and methodology focused on eliminating waste and maximizing value-added activities in production processes. The cable industry faces various challenges, including complex production flows, high demand variability, and increasing customer expectations. Therefore, implementing lean manufacturing principles becomes crucial to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve overall customer satisfaction. The paper begins by providing an overview of lean manufacturing principles, including the identification and elimination of various forms of waste such as overproduction, defects, waiting time, excessive inventory, and unnecessary motion. It highlights the importance of creating a culture of continuous improvement and engaging employees at all levels of the organization in the lean transformation process. Overall, this research paper provides a comprehensive approach to implementing lean manufacturing techniques in the cable company for process improvement. It serves as a valuable resource for managers, engineers, and practitioners in the cable industry seeking to enhance operational efficiency and achieve sustainable competitive advantage.


Lean Manufacturing, Mathematical Model, Process Improvement, Job evaluation


Safiye Turgay, Seda Pirvan, Çiğdem Cebeci, Lean Manufacturing Implementation for Process Improvement in the Cable Company: A Comprehensive Approach. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2023) Vol. 4: 1-11. DOI:


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