Research on the Training Mechanism of Rural Veterinary Talents Based on OBE Concept
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2023.050704 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 516
Lixia Lei 1, Shangmin Zhang 1
1 School of Business Administration, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Wanzhou District, Chongqing, 404020, China
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Rural veterinarians are the basic system in China's animal epidemic prevention system, playing an important role in animal disease prevention, animal disease diagnosis and treatment, public health safety in animal husbandry, and safety assurance of animal derived food. This article uses the OBE concept to analyze the mechanism for cultivating rural veterinary talents. Research suggests that distinctive rural veterinary talent training programs should be implemented in different regions; Use "Internet plus" tools such as university network teaching platform to fully realize the theoretical knowledge of rural veterinary medicine; Establish animal husbandry and veterinary industry associations to enhance the professional skills of rural veterinarians.
OBE concept; Rural veterinarians; Personnel trainingCITE THIS PAPER
Lixia Lei, Shangmin Zhang, Research on the Training Mechanism of Rural Veterinary Talents Based on OBE Concept. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2023) Vol. 5: 30-33. DOI:
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