Emergency Routing and Structural Optimization of E-commerce Logistics Network for Parcel Transportation Based on Multiple Models
DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2023.080308 | Downloads: 33 | Views: 975
Zhe Guo 1, Tong Jing 1, Haichao Zhu 1, Xuejiayi Xu 1
1 Department of Computer Engineering, Qingdao City University, Qingdao, 266106, China
Corresponding Author
The adjustment measures include closing or opening new routes, but not adding new logistics sites. To achieve dynamic adjustment of the logistics network's route structure, including the closure or development of new routes, the aim is to minimize the number of routes affected by changes in cargo volume before and after the closure of DC9, while maintaining a balanced workload among the routes. Therefore, an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm model is established, and MATLAB and SPSSPRO are utilized to solve the prepared table based on the ACO model. The obtained routes DC69→DC5, DC69→DC8, DC69→DC14, and DC69→DC62 have a cargo conformity rate of 97%, with an average route workload of around 7%. The remaining cargo across all routes is 11,280.7. This indicates that the overall results remain unaffected after deleting DC9 and adding the new route DC3→DC1, with no routes exceeding the required conformity, satisfying the practical requirements. Next, an evaluation is conducted to assess the importance of different logistics sites and routes within the network. Taking into account basic conditions, such as parcel quantities, transport frequencies, maximum transport capacities, transfer capacities, and other influencing factors, a TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) analysis model is constructed. The processed table is used to analyze the network's robustness, determining appropriate settings for processing and transport capacities. The objective is to reduce the overall operating costs of the network while ensuring a more balanced distribution of network workload.
Linear Programming, ACO Model, Robustness Analysis, TOPSIS ModelCITE THIS PAPER
Zhe Guo, Tong Jing, Haichao Zhu, Xuejiayi Xu, Emergency Routing and Structural Optimization of E-commerce Logistics Network for Parcel Transportation Based on Multiple Models. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2023) Vol. 8: 68-74. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/10.23977/jeis.2023.080308.
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