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The Application Trend of Qing Dynasty Garden Design in Beijing Modern Residential

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DOI: 10.23977/lsuh.2023.050107 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 1105


Qiwei Liu 1, Hushinaidi Bin Abdul Hamid 1


1 Faculty of Creative Industries, City University, Kuala Lumpur, 46100, Malaysia

Corresponding Author

Qiwei Liu


After more than three thousand years of accumulation and development, traditional Chinese gardens have created their own profound and unique style of landscape architecture, which has important historical, cultural and artistic research and application value. In the Qing dynasty, the landscape of the Qing dynasty (1636-1912) was particularly developed in the Qing dynasty in 276 years. The capital of the Qing dynasty is today's Beijing, which is now the capital of China, so the landscape design style of the Qing dynasty is the most profound. Its pursuit is the perfect combination of man and nature, which also conforms to the expectation of the present people. This paper, through the study of the application of landscape application in Beijing, expounds the trend of contemporary Chinese people's demand and research on traditional culture, and the Chinese Qing dynasty style of residential houses are developing in a low-key and luxuriant way. The Chinese style of residential community is emerging in major Chinese cities, and it is a positive significance for the development of traditional culture in the traditional culture.


Qing Dynasty, garden design, modern residential


Qiwei Liu, Hushinaidi Bin Abdul Hamid, The Application Trend of Qing Dynasty Garden Design in Beijing Modern Residential. Landscape and Urban Horticulture (2023) Vol. 5: 37-41. DOI:


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