Finite element analysis of artillery self-tightening body tube stresses
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2023.080309 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 600
Liu Yuhao 1, Qu Pu 1
1 School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, North Central University, Taiyuan, 030051, China
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The self-tightening technology of body tube is to apply a certain pressure in the inner bore of the body tube so that the corresponding residual stress is generated in the body tube, and the self-tightening residual stress can improve the stress situation of the body tube when it is in use and extend its service life. Most of the existing self-tightening body tube research for large-caliber artillery and are simplified to a thick-walled cylinder model, ignoring the internal rifling of the body tube and chrome-plated processing factors, and for the impact load on the body tube and cracks on the self-tightening body tube internal stresses of the impact of the same did not take into account the rifling and chrome layer. In order to address the above problems, this paper takes a small-caliber artillery body tube as the research object, compares the theoretical calculations with the finite element simulation, and carries out the simulation research on the ideal elastic-plastic artillery steel body tube.
Finite element; self-tightening body tube; self-tightening stress; bore machiningCITE THIS PAPER
Liu Yuhao, Qu Pu, Finite element analysis of artillery self-tightening body tube stresses. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2023) Vol. 8: 57-62. DOI:
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