Application of Virtual Simulation Technology in Martial Arts Routine Movement Analysis
DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2023.080402 | Downloads: 16 | Views: 768
Yajun Qiao 1
1 School of Physical Education, Shengda College of Economics, Trade and Management, Zhengzhou, 451191, China
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This study aims to explore the application of virtual simulation technology in martial arts routine movement analysis. With the development of virtual reality technology, its application in the field of martial arts teaching and movement analysis has attracted wide attention. This study uses virtual simulation environment and movement analysis algorithm to reconstruct, express and analyze martial arts routine movements, and extract corresponding movement analysis indexes. Through experiment and data analysis, the effectiveness and accuracy of virtual simulation technology in martial arts routine movement analysis are evaluated. The research results show that virtual simulation technology provides a new way and tool for martial arts teaching and movement analysis, and can understand and evaluate the quality and performance of martial arts routine movements more deeply.
Virtual simulation technology, martial arts routine, movement analysis, virtual reality, evaluationCITE THIS PAPER
Yajun Qiao, Application of Virtual Simulation Technology in Martial Arts Routine Movement Analysis. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2023) Vol. 8: 7-13. DOI:
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